Hard Trampling

All about brutal mistresses trampling their slaves hard.

All articles tagged with "Torture"

Lady Victoria and her friend had an issue with the quality of work this contractor did for them. They did not like it and had to make sure that the guy learned his lesson and that he never did such kind of work again. In addition, the mistresses wanted him to redo the work to their required standards and expectations. He had no choice but to do it their way.

This guy was rude and mistress Gilda did not like it. She felt that he needed to be tortured and humiliated so she did not hesitate to do it. She had to be the one to do it as she did not want to pass the problem to someone else. That is how the guy found himself being painfully trampled and stomped on his stomach as well as on his chest.

This accountant had been cooking books of account and mistress Cheyenne was not going to go along with it. She wanted him to do a legitimate job but he tried to get her to join her schemes. She refused and she trampled him to make him own up to what he had done. The mistress promised to punish him even more if he did not and he had to own up to his mistakes.

Mistress Sidney had ignored this guy and he was stung by it that he called her names and tried to make it look like she had committed the worst sin in the world. She did not want to give him any more of her time so she punished him by trampling and head crushing him with her shoes and having him smell her sweaty shoes. He never repeated his mistake.

Lady Scarlet had taken her girls out to spoil them but this guy was a nuisance as they hit the club scene. He tried to hit on them and was rude to them to the extent that the mistress had to intervene. She dragged the guy to a room upstairs and she ball crushed him and asked her girls to also have a go at him. The drunk guy sobered up.

Mistress Iside had an issue with her professor. She felt that he was based against her and she did not want to let him continue with that behavior as she did not know how many people it affected. So she did what she does best and she used her hard trampling fetish to punish him and make sure he stopped that kind of behavior to his students. They deserved better.

Mistress Patricia was pissed to learn that this guy had been bullying her brother. Since he had done so and her younger brother needed her protection, she went out of her way to hunt down the guy and she bullied him in return. She used hard trampling to trample and punish him for what he had done. Hers was worse as she also ballbusted him while he was naked to make him never bully anyone again.

Lady Scarlet was looking to hire a body guard and once she had shortlisted the guys she wanted to interview, she felt that testing their pain threshold was one of the things she would test to get a suitable candidate. And she trampled all of them and did it as hard as she could to see who would handle it well. This guy did and he was hired as he had all other qualifications.

This mistress felt cheated when this guy told her he was interesting and she would not get bored but he ended up being the most boring person she had ever met. She laughed at the guy and she made up for her time and for the deception by trampling him hard using her sneakers. His pain was her pleasure as it served him right and made him learn his lesson.

Mistress Iside felt that she had to hard trample this loser and do it in a manner he would never forget. The mistress did not want to deal with a lazy loser so she did whatever she could to make the guy hard working. And hard trampling was her go to method of punishment for him and she was sure it would work as he had never been hard trampled before.

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