Kacie and Gia wanted to show Kourtney how to trample a slave. Since they wanted to show her practically and there was no slave, they did it on her. They trampled her together and put her under a lot of pain
This beautiful amazon loves trampling on her pathetic slave. She's over 6 feet of pure beauty and pain. She'll use her full weight on his chest and stomach. SHe'll use him to stretch out her tired toes. She'll even trample on his neck. he'll scream out in extreme pain, but Aurora3 doesn't care. She's having a good time and loves listening to his cries. She will show him no mercy.
Mistress Maeva gets really mad at her slave for complaining on a hike. He's destroying the beautiful scenery. She jumps on him, walks all over his stomach, and head. What does he get for screaming out in pain? Mistress Maeva makes him smell her dirty smelly shoes and socks! She even makes him smell her sweaty feet. Mistress Maeva is going to show him no mercy for ruining her hike.
Mistress Eve wants her slave to understand that she will show no mercy when her slave has made her angry. She puts on her shiny black boots and goes to work. She jumps right onto his stomach with full weight. She doesn't care how much it hurts him, or how much he screams. She moves on to jumping on his crotch. How much pain can he handle? He will soon find out.
Mistress Jana just wants to have a good time. Her willing slave is quick to please her at first. She forces him to lie on the ground and walks all over him with her sky high red heels. She'll walk all over him with her full weight with no mercy. She moves on to jumping on his chest when that's not enough. She's just a young lady looking to have a good time.
Lady Milena wants to teach her shitty slave a real lesson. He has been disobeying her constantly lately and she won't stand for it. watch as she tramples his entire face with no mercy. She has no problem using her full weight to inflict maximum pain. He can scream out and squirm but that won't change anything. Lady Milena wants him to learn a painful lesson and will stop at nothing to make sure he does.
These 3 girls want to have a contest and see who can inflict the most pain. They order this pathetic loser to lie on the ground. They decide to have a jumping contest and see who can jump on him the highest. The don't care how much pain this pathetic loser is in. They want to win and they will ignore all of his pain to be the winner.
Mistress Maeva breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Luck for her a stranger walks by and offers to help. She knows how pathetic he is and orders him to lick her heels. She's so disgusted by him that she uses him as a stool while she looks at the engine. She's push down on his crotch, face, and throat with her full body weight. She doesn't care how much it hurts.
Felicity can't wait to torture Matt. She loves trampling and she even gained a few pounds so that she can inflict more pain. Watch as she walks with full weight all over his body. She tramples on his chest, his head, and even his throat. She shows him no mercy and ignores his screams of pain and his squirming. She's just having way to much fun trampling his poor body.
Mistress Eve wants her disobedient slave to know who's running the show. She also happened to have bought a killer pair of grey heels. She knows exactly what to do. Watch Mistress Eve punish this slave. She will inflict as much damage as possible. She digs her heels deep into his stomach and stands will full weight on his chest. She's going to push her slave well beyond his pain threshold